Monday, July 23, 2018

Finding your Passion?

As faculty (advisors, mentors), we are often telling undergraduates that they are in a good position to explore their future and "find their passion".  You know, "Definitely take chemistry courses if you love the subject, but now is the time to also take that one class in a subject you were always curious about", or "well, if you are not happy with your studies, perhaps your focus is not what you would really love to pursue".  We tend to strongly encourage students to use their undergraduate years as a means to "find" themselves.  Tara Bahrampour of the Washington Post in the article

'Find your passion'?  That's bad advice, scientists say.

says that this may, in fact, be bad advice.  Well, not so much bad advice, and incomplete advice.  Developing a mindset of general growth, nurturing multiple interests, at least initially, may lead to a much more fulfilling and successful future path.  Moreover, fixing the mindset on only a singular topic of study may stunt the pursuit of other interests.

I like the analysis.  You should give it a read.

1 comment:

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